Sports Premium

Amount received: £19,050.

Sports premium funding intended spending:

Our key objective in using the Sports Premium Grant is to improve pupil’s attainment in sport and to offer further opportunities for general fitness. We aim to increase the amount of pupil premium children attending extra-curricular activities and offer a wider range of after school provision. In addition, we intended to further develop our outdoor facilities so that pupils can engage in sports activities independently at both break and lunch times. We will also be continuing to develop how we celebrate sporting efforts and successes.

This year 2022/23 we plan to use the Sports premium funding to:

  • Provide extracurricular activities including after school provision to promote fitness and wellbeing and to increase the number of children currently accessing the provision
  • Provide opportunities to celebrate sporting efforts and achievements both within the academy
  • Provide opportunities for pupil’s to take part in competitive sport around the region, including cost of transport and expenses
  • Continue to provide and update outdoor sporting equipment and facilities for children to access
  • Provide further sporting opportunities for children with SEND
  • Employment of staff to facilitate the above
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Tees Valley Education